


Growth Hacking Brand Rescue

A new wave of digital marketing is coming and changes are on the rise. Your options to target audiences have significantly increased! All of these new tools will mean you as a business owner need to be aware and stay current. Marketing is the most important aspect of every business, without it, you won’t survive. Let’s start with growth hacking and analytics. Learn about more ways to shake up your marketing with our detailed Website, SEO, and Social Media Online Courses.


Whether you’re trying to grow your business or you’re trying to launch a product you need a real marketing plan. Growth Hacking is when you try a variety of creative marketing ideas to grow an engaged user fanbase as fast as possible. It’s all about sweat equity, as a business owner, time is best spent when you can also save money. A big example of a very successful company that has tried these methods is Airbnb. Instead of spending millions of dollars on marketing, they decided to use craigslist. Which is an already existing platform, to contact people that were renting out their places. They put in the man hours to send personalized emails to hosts, asking them to also list their properties on Airbnb. This allowed them to grow their customer base without spending a single dollar.

affiliate marketing Brand Rescue


To be honest, the best way to do this is to create an affiliate account for users to get rewarded if they refer other people. At Brand Rescue we have an ambassador referral program that allows users to get a commission from payments made using their link. Then it gives the person they referred a percentage off their purchase when they use the link. This achieves two things, it helps the user sell the product and it gives the person they are referring an incentive to use the product in the first place. Another great example of a great company is RobinHood, once you download the app you can refer your friends. Anytime someone downloads it, they get a free stock and you get a free stock if they use your link. Click here to download Robin Hood and start making money trading stocks.


Affiliate programs work better when both parties are happy, of course it’s always better if you can create a way for your users and prospects to benefit without spending money. This allows you to build trust with your customers, it gives them a chance to try it without buying it. A promotional program is another great way to get new leads. For example, we run contests all of the time at Brand Rescue, we send out emails to our clients and we give them an incentive to spread the word. All they have to do is share us on social media or send emails to their friends and they can get a free month of our Website & SEO Classes. As long as we have their contact information we can always keep in touch. This is a great way to spread awareness and get contacts for your email lists.

analytics brand rescue


If you haven’t turned your Instagram account into a business, do it now. Blind marketing is as useless as posting an ad for a nightclub and making the age rank from 17-65 years of age.

Do you even target bro?

You would think this is common sense, but some people still don’t understand why studying your demographic has more value than spending more money. They say practice makes perfect but if you’re doing it wrong, it doesn’t matter how many times you practice. It’s not the practice that matters, repetition is easy, the question is are you doing it correctly? One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is not paying enough attention to their actual target market. Conversion rates are more likely to skyrocket if you’re spending more time targeting the right people and less time targeting everyone. Most social media platforms have analytic reports and with the information they provide, you’re able to study your followers. You can also connect google analytics to your website using an API to track the amount of users that go on your website. Click here to Learn more.

“Facebook has also rolled out an offline conversions tool, which helps companies see which transactions in physical locations stem from people engaging with Facebook ads. This eliminates any guesswork related to advertising ROI, allowing you to see exactly how much business your online ads generate. Google is piloting a service that allows large stores to track conversions based on data from AdWords and store visits…”

— Forbes

That is amazing news, this means if you have a store front you can track how many people came in because of your Facebook ad. The resources are all there for us to use, and best of all they are free. Keep in mind that this all takes time, that’s why we created Brand Rescue, to help business owners focus on running the business as we help them grow using marketing strategies like these and more.